A couple of weeks ago I got a letter in the mail telling me that I would be receiving a Census form & a week later, it came. Heck yes! I had been dreaming of that day for so long. Ten years ago I remember being upset because I wouldn't get to fill out my family's Census form. That's probably because I loved filling out those email surveys (Favorite color: poppy red, Favorite ice cream: Edy's Coney Island, etc.). But now, I really appreciate the services provided by the Census Bureau. For years I have relied on their information for class, work, & because I'm weird & like to look up random data.
Today I filled out & mailed off my Census form! Have you filled out yours yet? If so, yay you & if not, get counted!
Katie! Adam filled out ours and had it in the mail before I could look at it! I was so excited that I would actually be able to see one and fill it out.....BUT NOOOOO, Adam did. Now I have to wait another 10 years!!!!!