I love shopping online. Sure, I ordered and paid for it but when the package arrives, it's like getting a gift (my UPS delivery man has been startled more than once by my excitement). And I love unwrapping presents, even if it is six tubes of toothpaste that I need (yes, I get toothpaste online).
The sellers from Etsy make the experience even better. Most of them use wonderful packaging and some even toss in a little something extra. They definitely make their shoppers feel appreciated. My most recent purchases did not disappoint.
Look what was in the mail for me yesterday...a present (for me from me)! Isn't it pretty? I just love the paper she used to wrap it and the little sand-dollar.

The seller included a personalized note thanking me for my purchase. She also put in a little envelope with another thank you card, her business card, and a piece of gum wrapped in her logo paper!

I have been debating with myself for months about how to label my quilts and other sewn goods. There are so many great options out there! Embroidering the information directly onto the quilt. Embroidering the information onto a piece of fabric and then sewing the fabric to the back of the quilt. Using your computer printer to type out the information and print it directly on to fabric. Having a
Spoonflower create yardage with
your logo and information. Using a fabric pen to write on the fabric. But I found these and really liked the look of them. They are simple and really professional looking. Now I need to get back all of my completed projects so that I can add these to them.

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