Friday, July 9, 2010

Back in the saddle again

Sure, in the past month & a half, I’ve missed Jacob. And yes, I was so excited to see him at the airport, hug him, talk to him on the drive back to his apartment. But as we pulled into his spot in the parking garage, I saw her…The Mistress. And oh, how I have missed her!

We took The Mistress (a.k.a. his motorcycle) out several times during my visit. I asked him to be kind to my behind & take me on a few shorter rides so my butt could get used to riding the bike again. Nope. Saturday we took a 5 hour drive through the mountains.

I have never ridden a motorcycle on anything other than flat Kansas & Nebraska roads & highways. The mountains in California were something else! Gorgeous views, yes, but I didn’t allow myself more than a few seconds peeking at a time. There are no guardrails, people! I had never been so nervous riding on a motorcycle…white knuckles. But did I mention the views?!

Then Sunday, we decided to ride up Pacific Coast Highway. After getting through the holiday traffic around Hermosa Beach (which truly is hermosa), we looked at about 27 miles of garage doors (a.k.a. Malibu). The entire time, I couldn’t help but chant Ma-li-bu a’la Spanglish style. I digress. The view up PCH was great & the waves did not disappoint. Then we got to the mountains again.

And the white knuckles again. Jacob was a very careful driver.* Honestly. And we both shook our head at the crotch rockets that sped past us on one of our photo op breaks.

But I will let the photos speak for themselves.

*Had to add that in for the women in my family who may be reading.

1 comment:

  1. LOL about the *. But the pictures are very beautiful. See you next Saturday.
