The other day MyLindsey asked me how we can tolerate living in a place where it gets so cold for so long. I told her that we live in a depressing hell for several months & seriously contemplate moving to Costa Rica. Then something happens between those months of cold. It gets incredibly hot and we forget just how bad the previous winter was; we think that maybe we can maybe tough it out for another year. Once that first snow hits though, we are back to cursing the winter & looking up the phone numbers of moving companies.
The thing about this year is that the reminders from the first snow still haven't melted. They have just been added to by the second, third, fourth snows. There has been a healthy covering of snow and ice blanketing Manhattan since before Christmas. Because of that, I've tried not to leave the warmth of my apartment except to go to work. Grocery store trips are carefully planned so I don't have to go out once I am home & into my sweats & under blankets. Thankfully, there has been plenty to keep me busy. Sewing projects, quilting, continually picking up the apartment (if I'm going to be spending so much time there, it needs to be neat & tidy), reading, playing the wii, & watching crap tv.
Sunday I met up with Jackie & Laura. Because the day's high temperature was supposed to be a blistering 20, we decided we'd head to Mass Street. It was great to be able to go outside without bundling up like Ralphie's little brother. The past two days have been gorgeous & I haven't even needed a jacket. I can feel myself being lulled into that false sense of security...
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