I finally finished my Good Folks quilt! My fingertips may be throbbing, but I finished hand stitching the binding today. Not surprisingly, the cats have spent more quality napping time with it than I have. When I got it back from the quilter and it was in the plastic bag, guess where the favorite sleep spot was. While I was hand stitching the binding, the quilt bunched at my feet was the primo location in the apartment. Now that the quilt is done and laying across the back of my sofa...

I was so busy sewing all day that I didn't get to buy any May Day flowers. The holiday was kind of a big deal when I was younger. I loved ringing the doorbells of family friends, leaving flowers, and running like hell. I'm disappointed that I don't have any flowers for May Day, but it will go on tomorrow's To Do List. And how can I be too terribly disappointed when I just finally finished my quilt?!